Entrance to the not yet opened, Pretoria Central Jail Museum (formerly known as The Pot). Maximum security prison during Apartheid in South Africa. It can be read on the wall: In memory ... Pretoria (South Africa)

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This work arises from 30 years of activity as a human rights activist, having visited different places in
memory, that different societies saw the need to build in order not to forget and product of the personal need to contribute to collective memory.
Memory sites refer to places where an event occurred that a nation and its people, or a part of its communities, they want to remember. These places, which are accessible or have been opened to the public, represent spaces for reconciliation, reflection and serene contemplation. 
“And, as Susan Sontag explained, in one of her last published books
- Regarding the pain of others -
"Perhaps you attributes too much value to memory and not enough to reflection."
We must keep in mind, says Sontag, that remembering is not a mere memoristic or historical exercise, but rather the brave task of
Remembering the past contains an unavoidable ethical burden. This, in part, because "Memory is, painfully, the only relationship that we can sustain with the dead", and on the other hand, because "Insensitivity and amnesia seem to go together."


female name

1. Ability to remember. "Have a good memory”

2. Image or set of images of past events or situations that remain in the mind. "His words about him remained in everyone's memory”

3. Report, generally written, of the status or development of an activity or of an organism, a company, a society, etc. "During the closingsession the annual report will be read”

4. Study or work that collects what is observed in an experience or what should be considered for an activity.

5. (memories) Book or writing in which someone tells the memories and events of her life. "He won this award with his memoir"

Hay demasiada injusticia en el mundo como para que sea obviada en nombre del futuro; más bien, este reclamo una revisión de aquello que se ha olvidado y de las razones por las que olvidamos. Conseguir la paz no es solo producto del olvido, sino de la capacidad (personal y material) de poder olvidar.” Carlos Javier González Serrano 2016
Este trabajo se desarrolla en cuatro países diferentes: Alemania, Argentina, Ruanda y Sudáfrica - a lo largo de tres continentes - y la idea de “jugar” con las palabras y las imágenes, que definen la tragedia permanente en nuestro planeta, en materia. de DDHH.

Las imágenes presentes forman parte de un trabajo en desarrollo, a raíz de la aparición de los aviones de la muerte en Argentina será ampliada; que sueña convertirse en libro, y esta dedicada muy especialmente a todas las personas que sufrieron o sufrir persecuciones, torturas, cárcel o muerte por su actividad en defensa de los derechos humanos en cualquier parte del mundo.

Nombre y Apellidos: Marcelo Argañaraz

Fecha Nacimiento: 18 de julio de 1964

Dirección: Pasaje Tres Sargentos 421 1ro “1” - CP 1054 -

CABA, Buenos Aires - Argentina

E-mail: marceloarganarazdearco@gmail.com

Teléfono: +54 11 4188 7102

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