Pablo del Pino, my uncle, checks the corporal temperature of his brother at the geriatric ward of the hospital a few days before he was discharged from the medical institution. Throughout his hospitalization, my father suffered severe fevers, which were difficult to control due to the scarces antipyretic medicines available at the hospital. Cataplasm were the alternative to relieve his hyperpyrexia periods.

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Go home and may God be with you

Dany del Pino Rodríguez | Havana, Cuba

In September 2021, while COVID 19 hit Cuba the hardest, I began to take photos of my father and some objects that accompanied him during his hospitalization period. These would be the last photos I would take of him. He died at home a few weeks later. According to the medical report, lung cancer killed him —and probably COVID 19 accelerated his death—. But the malignant tumor wasn’t the only cause; the indifference and the abhorrent policies of institutional bureaucracy also were responsible for his death.

My father was discharged from the Joaquín Albarrán hospital in Havana when his health was most fragile. He never got the care he needed and he didn’t die with dignity! He was abandoned  by the health institutions of his country, the same ones he perhaps trusted. 

Nothing will be able to bring him back, but in materializing his life and death through photography, I wanted to galvanize attention, to do him and many others that have suffered just like him, justice, so that their deaths wouldn’t be in vain.


Dany del Pino Rodriguez is a documentary photographer based in Havana, place where he also was born. At the same time, he is an assistant professor of photography. Since 2012, he teaches photography to architecture students at the Technological University of Havana.

The interest in photography of this Cuban photographer started a few years later he ended his university studies as veterinarian professor in 2005. From then on, he  has attended different workshops and seminaries linked to photography, visual  arts, culture and social sciences. In 2012, he attended a diploma in Photographic Codex. 

As part of solo and collective exhibitions, the photographic work of Dany del Pino has been exhibited in Cuba and other countries around the world as: US, Mexico, Colombia; Brazil, Argentine, England, Spain, Holland and Italy. An important part of his work has also been published in online and print magazines as: Lens Magazine, Docu Magazine, Camera Owner, FotoArgenta and Periodismo de Barrio. 

In 2018 with the photographic series "Once upon a time...", Dany del Pino won the Raul Corrales scholarship, the most important recognition the Fototeca of Cuba gives to Cuban photographers anually. 

The photographic proposals made by Dany del Pino look at society and its conflicts. Frequently, it is possible to find in his work elements from the sociology, anthropology, pedagogy and other sciencies. To him, the photography is a the most important communicative tool in the modern society.

Dany del Pino is represented by Galeria Aurea and Arvivid, both in Madrid, and the Fototeca of Cuba in Havana. He also is member of PWB community (Photographers Without Borders).            

SDN (Social Documentary Network)

PWB (Photographers Without Borders)


Online portfolio:

Phone:+53 52725160

Instagram: @depinorodriguez

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