Guaicanamar is the original name of the town of Regla. It means in language of the natives -place in front of the sea- The sea is an important element in the local culture. From the series: "Inside of Rega" "En las aguas" Digital photography 2019

Dany del Pino Rodríguez 5352725160 Cuba

Topics of Focus

The local cultures, the identity, the daily life, the traditions.

Geographic Areas of Focus

The town of Regla in Havana city


Dany del Pino Rodriguez is a Cuban photographer and assistant professor of photography. He was born in 1978 on Havana city. He is represented by Galeria Aurea in Madrid (

The photography began to call his attention after he ended university studies as veterinary professor. After that, he began to course different workshops and posgradre studies in photography and other visual arts.

Dany del Pino is diploma in Photographic Code after he coursed postgrade studies in the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinematographic Insdustry (ICAIC).

The photographic work of this Cuban photography has a clear tendency to the documentary genre. His proposals show a deep interest in the individual as a complex unit of analysis in the society.For this reason the anthropologic sciences are important to get the wished aims of his projects.

The photographic work of Dany del Pino has been shown in different countries in personal and collective exhibitions. In 2020 he was one of the twenty Cuban photographer invited to exhibe his work in the PhotoEspaña Fesrival in the collective exhibition "Contemporary stories".

During his photographic career, Dany has gotten awards and recognition. In 2018 he won the "Raul Corrales scholarship", an important scholarship the Cuba's Fototeca gives to Cuban photographer every year. That same year he got a honor mention during the WIN Photo Competition. In 2016 he won a honor mention during the photo competition of Havana Time. In 2020 Dany del Pino was one of the winners of the "In front of the mirror" photo competition.

This photographer collaborate with Camera Owner Magazine, a digital publication from England. As part of the social work, Dany develops workshops for adolescents fundamentally. He also is a professor at a Cuban university where he teaches photography to architecture students.

He was a member of the collective group "F8" and the visual art group "3stado Solido". 

More information about Dany del Pino is available at:

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