The flooded landscape of Bentiu and its Internally Displaced Population (IDP) Camp is visible from the air. ⁠

According to Joshua Kanyara, IOM Emergency Coordinator, dry land in Bentiu owes its existence to humanitarian-built dykes and roads. In August 2022, flooding spanned 80km and the dykes, constructed by aid organisations, are approximately 2.5 metres high and up to 5 metres wide. The IDP camp in Bentiu houses in excess of 112,000 people displaced due to flooding or conflict. ⁠
Bentiu, South Sudan 21/08/2022⁠

This photo was taken out of the window of a UN operated Russian MI-8 MTV-1 Helicopter. This is not a drone aerial photo.⁠

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Uncertain Land: Climate Change and Its Impact on the Internally Displaced P

Christina Simons | South Sudan

Catastrophic flooding, driven by the earth’s changing climate, is ravaging South Sudan. The fledgling nation has endured torrential rainfall events for five consecutive years which has led to the inundation of two-thirds of the country.

Villages, grazing land and livestock have been destroyed and inhabitants have fled their homes and livelihoods, intensifying the humanitarian crisis that continues after years of war. UNOCHA estimates that 2.2 million inhabitants are currently internally displaced due to flooding.

The mass internal displacement of people has led to increased food insecurity as arable land and grazing space contracts. The existence and continued threat of violent conflict compounds an already fraught situation where access to flood affected areas and resourcing constraints present daily challenges. These images depict the situation as it was in South Sudan in August and September 2022.

Catastrophic flooding, driven by the earth’s changing climate, is ravaging South Sudan. The fledgling nation has endured torrential rainfall events for four consecutive years which has led to the inundation of two-thirds of the country.

Villages, grazing land and livestock have been destroyed and inhabitants have fled their homes and livelihoods, intensifying the humanitarian crisis that continues after years of war. UNOCHA estimates that 2.2 million inhabitants are currently internally displaced due to flooding. The capital of the province of Unity State, Bentiu, is one of the worst affected areas. Home humanitarian built Bentiu IDP camp, the town and surrounding regions have been isolated by floodwaters.

The mass internal displacement of people has led to increased food insecurity as arable land and grazing space contracts. The physical isolation of inhabited regions means that supplies aren’t able to reach their intended destinations. Scarcity of resources – particularly in regional areas - leads to conflict, further exacerbating despair. Malnutrition, particularly among young children and pregnant and lactating women, is an increasing concern. UNOCHA estimates that 1.3 million children under the age of 5 and 670, 000 pregnant and lactating women are at risk of acute malnourishment.

Vector-borne disease, such as Malaria, and water-borne illnesses causing acute watery diarrhea are increasing. Flood waters are driving snakes into congested areas and into more frequent contact with humans; incidents of snakebite have increased. To meet escalating human health concerns, MSF operates a 180-bed hospital in Abyei (a disputed region between Sudan and South Sudan), providing, among other services, surgery and neonatal and pediatric care.

Globally, funding for humanitarian causes is stretched. Demands for assistance in countries like Ukraine, Sri Lanka and Iran have seen resources directed away from South Sudan. UNOCHA reports that funding for aid in South Sudan is currently at approximately 66% of what is required to adequately support the population. International aid organisations and the United Nations are appealing to the international community for more funds and for greater participation in the recovery effort by the South Sudanese government.

Doctors Without Borders, UNMISS, UNMAS, UNOCHA

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