Kevina Bell (33) was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.
When she was 10 years old, she moved to Durham with her mum and stepfather. She moved to Mc Dougald Terrace social housing just about a year ago from Burlington when she separated from her boyfriend.

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Invisible scars, "Young mothers between bullets and survival"

Sarka Vancurova | North Carolina, United States

Work in progress -( since end of December 2023)

1.  How is it to live in the community often effected by gun violence?intimate look into the lives of young single mothers( Kevinna, Shamiqua and Toyia ) living and raising up their children in one of the most gun violent community - social housing project Mc Dougald Terrace in Durham , the murder capital of North Carolina, as they call it.

They all came here when housing was offered to them by Housing Authority of Durham after either separating from their boyfriends, losing the house or being evicted from another housing community.

73 precent of the inhabitants are young single mothers struggling to move out. They all fear for their children that one day they will be hit if they will not changed something. But because of their living circumstances, as single mothers without a financial help, living on the food stamps, coping with many psychological problems from the past,facing the violence regularly, the escape seems almost impossible to achieve.

As a photographer, I followed people, especially women, whose lives are in peril, need awareness , justice, and stronger voice within the society. I am passionately drawn to photograph subjects that are intense and that show my inseparable contact with the persons in my photographs. In this project, some aspects such as intimacy, single mother, social problematic, and struggle to thrive repeat in my work. This time, only the aspect of violence is more evident.

Tel: 984 352 0706



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