Clara Chang is holding a section of an old sediment core extracted in the 1950s from the bottom of the ocean. Similarly to ice cores, scientists use them to reconstruct the climate of the past. The more in depth the sample goes, the more back in time they can go, representing the climate of millions of years in the past.
Core Repository, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, US

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Climate Revealed. An exploration of climate labs, centers, camps, stations

Fabio Cian | USA, Italy, Germany, UK, The Gambia, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden

Climate change, and the related planetary crisis, is one of the greatest threats facing humanity today, which will greatly transform our world and lives. An issue that is finally in mainstream media, but often addressed only from the frontline of the struggles and devastation it brings with it. At the same time, there are still people challenging the science behind it and questioning its importance, ignoring the incredible scientific world behind every tiny bit of information about climate change, neglecting the work of thousands of people worldwide trying to reveal the nature of our planet’s climate and how it’s intertwined with human activities.

Climate Revealed is an exploration of some of the most important climate research facilities worldwide, where scientists try to understand some of the most burning issues on climate change.

A journey through time and across Earth that takes us in the meanders of science and the intricate nature of humans, and leaves us with the hope given by the stunning power of human intelligence, the thrilling fear given by human controversy and a deep sense of humbleness in front of nature.

The project covers the following facilities:

Earth Institute, Columbia University (New York), NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratories and Caltech (California), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NSF’s Ice Core Facility and National Center for Atmospheric Research (Colorado), Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico), Amazon Tall Tower Observatory, Max-Planck Institute (Brazil), CNR’s Mount Cimone observatory (Italy), German Weather Service (Germany), European Center for Medium range Weather Forecast and University of East Anglia (UK), GREAT Institute, (The Gambia), Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Germany/Sweden)

Documentary photographer based in Venice, Italy.

Fabio’s photographic research lies at the intersection of the human and natural world, analyzing global phenomena driven by anthropogenic forces. His work is currently focused on climate science and climate change related matters. In particular, he is interested in the scientific activities and practices that lie behind the study of Earth’s climate. He is also interested in the impacts of climate change related disasters, such as floods, typhoons, and droughts, on the environment and the people that inhabit it.

His working method is rooted in scientific research.

He obtained a certificate of Visual Storytelling from the International Center of Photography, New York. He holds a master’s degree in Space Engineering and a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change.

Fabio is a scientist carrying out research on climate change, natural disaster management and financing. He has published several research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Selected Exhibitions
2023, “Climate Revealed”, screening at Visa pour l’image, Perpignan, France
2022, “Climate Revealed”, Grün-Berlin, Gärten der Welt, Berlin, Germany
2017, “Climate Revealed”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy
2017, “What’s your dream?”, Museum of Science and Technology of Milan, Italy
2017, “What’s your dream?”, Joint Research Center, European Commission, Ispra, Italy

2023, selected for the Eddie Adams Workshop XXXVI, Jeffersonville, NY, US
2019, recipient of the Outreach scholarship, Rachel Carson Center, Lüdwig Maximilian University, Munich, for developing his project “Climate Revealed”.  
2017, selected by the European Commission to be part of the “SciArt” program with the project “What’s your dream?”, a work on the aftermath of the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
2017, winner of the “Climate chance - The grand challenge”, climate change communication contest organized by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, with “A typhoon in my backpack”, a photographic narrative (a photo series accompanied by a written narrative) about the aftermath of the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Mobile: +39 3406106064


Instagram: @cianfabio


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