In an earthen floored mud clad house, devoid of furniture except a wooden bench, Honolyne tells her story of rape and survival after her daughter Linker was born.
“I was a senior in boarding school. There was a boy I was good friend with, we liked to study together for exams. One day, with an exam coming up, he said let’s meet in the classroom to revise. When I arrived, he just wanted to chat and then he said he wanted to have sex. My response was simply no! I am here to study. It was evening, it was dark, we were in an empty classroom, he forced himself on me. I decided not to tell anyone because they would think: No! he was your friend, and I probably agreed. I couldn’t tell my parents initially as that would have upset them and I feared my father would beat me. I never reported the incident to any authority. Thankfully throughout my ordeal my parents became supportive.”
Honolyne has returned to school but it is a huge challenge in that there is a financial burden of supporting her daughter, child care and the general material required for school.

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HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS raped pregnant teens

Carol Allen Storey | Rwanda


Rape is a global plague where vulnerable girls and women are exploited, abused, and the men walkaway, often exonerated!

Sexual violence, rape amongst children is a fundamental violation of their rights.

In Rwanda it is reported over 50% of teen girls before the age of 18 have experienced sexual violence, far too many become pregnant, forced to drop out from school, and abandoned by their families. Most are often abused by those they know: parents, neighbours, family or friends. The perpetrators are rarely pursued and many times the girls are too shamed and afraid to report the offence, many of these vulnerable teens sink into life long poverty, suffer from trauma and depression. NAR, Never Again Rwanda a local NGO in Rwanda supported by USAID is tackling this horrific epidemic of teen rape and pregnancies through their programme of ‘Gender Mainstream Training’ to prevent gender-based violence amidst families and the support of victims of rape, especially teens.


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