Cairo, other jobs in the neighborhood of Manshiyat Naser

Gian Maria Zapelli Italy

Topics of Focus

human social or ethnic marginality - ethnography of feelings

Geographic Areas of Focus



Gian Maria Zapelli (1960)

He was born and lives in Lecco (Italy)

In photography, the poetics that inspire him seeks human experience in its most precarious, vulnerable or marginal expressions. From isolated tribal communities exposed to their disappearance, to the outskirts of cities where life gathers in survival. Consistently grown women and men in whom life has left its path. It is not a documentary, a chronicle in images, but an empathetic and intimate closeness to the human being, with a painful feeling of life.

The portfolio on line:

From his photographic shots.

Last Exhibitions

  • Lecco, Torre Viscontea: “Per strada: il lavoro dove passi”- marzo-aprile ‘24
  • Lodi, Festival della Fotografia Etica, Circuito off:“Abitare” – ottobre ‘23
  • Milano, Spazio Tadini: “Frammenti di strada” – maggio ‘23
  • Varese, Ubik:“Dwelling”– settembre ‘22
  • Murgia, Galleria della biblioteca:“L’ospite femminile”– giugno ‘04
  • Vittuone, Cà Resta:“Donne della terra”– marzo ‘04
  • Torino, Libreria Fontana: “L’ospite femminile”– febbraio ‘03
  • Torino, Espace:“Donne della terra”– novembre ‘03


  • Gian Maria Zapelli,Hmong. Una migrazione silenziosa. Periplo Edizioni

Follow Gian Maria Zapelli