A break for drinking during the daily 10-hour schedule, which runs from 7am till 5pm . In summer temperatures can reach 45 degrees. Agariyas pay a high price for working in such harsh conditions. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Occupational Health in Ahmedabad, the farmers suffer from skin lesions, severe eye problems owing to intense reflections off the white surfaces, and tuberculosis. A salt worker of Kutch seldom lives beyond 60 years.

Roberto Gregori

photogreg@libero.it Italy


I started shooting during my first trips in Africa, which I was lucky enough to visit regularly from 2001 to 2014. In the beginnig, I was interested to see African landscapes and fauna with my own eyes, but the opportunity to get in touch with people pushed me to documenting ethnographic and cultural aspects according to my vision.

The desire to travel, which sometimes becoming a “necessity”, and the passion for photography have started to feed each other and now I can't say which of the two drives me more to visit new countries

I'm convinced that travelling, especially in countries with culture a lifestyle that are different from ours, somehow changes the way we see the world; doing it with a “photographic eye” allows you to see things with a different perspective, perhaps more profound.

In the last years my photography is focused on social reportage both of realities close to me and on culture and lifestyles of other countries.

I think photography helps me to understand better the things and people I meet then moving me to tell and share most interesting stories