Christian music fans worship and pray during the Main stage religious service at the Cornerstone Festival in Bushnell, Illinois, on July 3rd, 2004. The Cornerstone Festival is a Christian Music Festival organized by "the Jesus People USA", held annually on the Fourth of July weekend in centrak Illinois since 1984. Thousands of Believers gather for 4 days of music and worship, with over 200 bands representing all styles of the current musical landscape.

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Jesus Christ Hardcore

jean-marc Giboux | United States


"If it wasn't for Jesus, I'll be probably dead now" confess 35 year old Pastor Cleetus Adrian. Although he was born in a Christian home (his father had a church) it didn't keep him out of trouble, and after years of self-destructive behavior on the hardcore punk scene fueled by anger and anti establishment rebellion, he was 'born again' at 24, 'filled with the holy spirit'. He cleaned up his act, married his wife Nichole and started thinking about preaching the Gospel. The rebellion was still ingrained in him - Jesus was a rebel after all- and Cleetus realized that there were many more like him , born again but still disconnected from established churches : he decided to open the Delivrance Bible Church without studying to become a minister. He just opened it, bible in one hand and an electric guitar in the other one .

American Christians are very entrepreneurial at reaching out to groups of people.

Photojournalist based in Chicago producing documentaries often related to Religion, specially Faith and its effect on the human body and mind in societes.

This story was shot a few years ago but is so very important today considering the role of Christian Religion in the election of DT.

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