She is known as “The Lioness.” Einav Zangauker, mother of Matan, who was kidnapped on October 7, has been demonstrating daily with hundreds of supporters for the return of her son. For the past 11 months, she has been on the streets, shouting her heart out and appealing to world leaders to support her fight

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Adar Eyal | Israel, Israel

Within days of October 7, 2023, the families of at least 341 missing Israelis, some kidnapped to Gaza and others whose fates remain unknown, began demanding the return of their loved ones.

I’ve been a street and documentary photographer for over 25 years. Capturing the recent events is not just another project. It’s the documentation of a pivotal moment, a time when an entire nation is undergoing a profound transformation. It became a personal mission for me. I resigned from my job, put aside my “normal life,” and now spend most of my time on the streets, always close to the next potential frame.

There are no “good” stories here. I shot thousands of photos during these 11 months. Not even one shows someone smiling. There is a lot of sadness, frustration, fear, anger, and helplessness. Putting aside the tragedy for a moment, from a photographic point of view, it’s a fruitful ground for capturing these emotions.

I plan to continue until the last hostage is back home.

Adar Eyal

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