Burham, 2007 and 2019. Istanbul.

Chris Bartlett

bartlettstudio@yahoo.com 9179136923 United States

Topics of Focus

Portraiture, Documentary, Social Justice Advocacy


Chris Bartlett is a photographer living in the Hudson Valley, NY whose decades long personal practice includes portraiture, documentary/social justice, street photography, conceptual still life, landscape and fine art. His social justice projects have focused on Iraqi former detainees, Burmese dissidents and former political prisoners, and U.S. military assault victims. His portraits have been used for advocacy by the United Nations in Geneva, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Protect Our Defenders. He has exhibited at Open Society Foundation’s Moving Walls, Houston Fotofest, Hamburg Triennial, and been interviewed by the BBC, NPR, Canadian Public Radio, and Al Jazeera among others. Chris is also a commercial still life photographer in New York City.

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