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Chicago 60K strong! Rally to #End Family Separatio...

Families Belong Together—June 30 2018 Event! | with sharing photos from the Chicago Rally. "Protectors not protesters" Fami...

Nancy Bechtol United States 1016 2018 - Same

Women's March Chicago-March to the Polls!

Chicago – Following is the statement of the board of Women’s March Chicago following the successful rally and march in Grant Park Saturday...

Nancy Bechtol United States 2569 2018 - Same

This Is Indian Land~Okee-Chee Film Documentation

Documentation phototography surrounding the Director Sharon Okee-Chee Skolnick, Fort Sill Apache Sioux Woman Director. on her dedication to the Americ...

Nancy Bechtol United States 2053 2016 - 2017

SO Polar Plunge - Chicago -2016

Nancy Bechtol United States 2080 2016 - Same

Women's March - Chicago "Nasty Women Unite!"

Dateline, Chicago. 1/21.2017 A.D./C.E. Being on the streets of Chicago with 250,000 active participants was to be in an embrace..unlike any other ...s...

Nancy Bechtol United States 4078 2017 - Same

Free Speech & the Transcendent Journey of Chris Dr...

Photos and the Trailer I took to  tell the story of  Free Speech & Transcendent Journey of Chris Drew, Street Artist"  which i...

Nancy Bechtol United States 3555 2009 - 2012

Occupy Chicago: Our Country!

Chicago marches as part of the Occupy Movement. The masses of humanity from all walks of life, all ages,including many with their children, numbered ...

Nancy Bechtol United States 5407 2011 - Same