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Exhibit Title Photographer Country Home page No. of visits Year(s)

The Mapuche Struggle to Reclaim Their Land

This exhibit documents Indigenous Mapuche peoples' fight to reclaim ancestral territories from Chile's forestry industry. The photographs were...

Orin Langelle Chile 1098 2025 - Same

People of the Lake

Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora is famous not only as one of New Zealand’s most significant wetland habitats and largest lakes but also as one of its ...

Joe Harrison New Zealand 200 2023 - 2024

Memories of Disappearance

Memories of Disappearanceexplores enforced disappearances in Bangladesh since 2012, contextualizing them within state violence, political control, and...

Mosfiqur Rahman Johan Bangladesh   245 2022 - 2024

Native-led suicide prevention program focuses on c...

Alaska’s Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta - where village communities are facing overlapping threats from climate change, substance abuse and domestic viol...

Brandon Kapelow United States   208 2023 - 2024

Suri Guardians: A Documentary Exploration of Tradi...

The Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse regions, home to indigenous tribes that have preserved centuri...

Matilde Simas Ethiopia 268 2022 - Same


Puerto Rico exists within a unique neo-colonial liminal state - American enough to pay federal taxes, but not American enough to have the right to vot...

Jesse Ilan Kornbluth Puerto Rico   405 2024 - 2025

Brazil’s Green Deserts and the Eucalyptus Invasi...

This exhibit, "Brazil’s Green Deserts and Eucalyptus Invasion," documents Indigenous Peoples, Quilombola communities and social m...

Orin Langelle Brazil 502 2023 - Same

Petrostate Seizure of the Serengeti

One of the world’s most iconic wildlife tourism destinations, Tanzania’s Serengeti national park and its adjacent conservation areas, are ...

Kang-Chun Cheng Tanzania, United Republic of   340 2024 - Same

Pueblo Mulkupkungui

I visited the isolated Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range near the Caribbean Sea in northern Colombia for the second time in 2018. The Sierra...

Christian Kieffer Colombia 906 2018 - Same


Kogi, pueblo Tunkeka - Colombia. My 8th trip to Colombia and 3rd to the Sierra Nevada Mountain range, departments of Magdalena and La Guajira. Tunkeka...

Christian Kieffer Colombia 1220 2024 - Same

Becoming Charging Eagle

John Hendricks, a 62-year-old Lakota man, was born on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota, but was raised by his Irish fath...

Tatsiana Chypsanava United States 1398 2022 - Same

This is home

Ngāi Tūhoe have always been staunchly independent. Despite the New Zealand government’s attempts to assimilate them and dispossess them of the...

Tatsiana Chypsanava New Zealand 1741 2014 - 2023

Nomadic Life Style

These are images taken while traveling through Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. The exhibit shows a small slice of Nomadic life. From the vast mountain ranges...

Gulnara Niaz Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia 2608 2016 - Same

Out of the shadows

‘Out of the Shadows’ sheds light on people living on the margins of society. Paying homage to Diane Arbus who saw those that would otherwi...

Chris Lau Canada 1719 2023 - Same

Moments In Time - Philippines

I documented Filipinos whose livelihoods are impacted by the climate crisis, e.g., fishermen, rice farmers and junk shop operators who ...

Ric Francis Philippines 570 2022 - 2023

The Mongolian Steppe: A Threatened Ecosystem

Mongolia is twice the size of Texas. About 75 percent of the country is rangeland, which provides forage for livestock, habitat for wildlife, watershe...

Daniel Miller Mongolia 1771 2018 - 2023

Indigenous Peoples of America Parade

Atsila Firebird Graywolf, an outstanding indigenous woman, envisioned a parade in which the descendants of the ancestors who had tragically perished w...

Lisa DuBois United States 2308 2023 - Same

Tears and Bullets

The violence people experience in Honduras is similar to that experienced in war zones.Honduras has the second highest homicide rate in the world and ...

Gabriele Rossi Honduras 1225 2022 - 2023

Encounters on the Mazaruni River, Guyana I

In 2019 I started a project documenting my travels on the Mazaruni River in Western Guyana. The Mazaruni, in the Amazon Biome, is home to the Akawaio ...

Enos Ignacio Cozier Guyana 1205 2019 - 2022

MST Encampment: 25 Nov 2005

This 2005 photo essay documents the Brazil’s Landless Worker’s Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra - MST) encampment na...

Orin Langelle Brazil 1464 2005 - Same

Voices of Race

With the ongoing polarization attached to the plethora of issues in the United States, the intention of the Voices of Race portrait series is to amp...

Kathleen Dreier United States 1173 2020 - 2023

Mexican Indigenous Culture: Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead is a religious festival observed in Mexico on November 2nd to honor the memory of loved ones who have passed away. The Aztecs believed...

Violeta Alvarez United States   828 2018 - 2022

Don't Stand Still

In this ongoing project, Don't Stand Still tells the story of the profound culture and history of the Wampanoag Tribe in southeastern Massachusett...

Susan Moffat United States   1115 2022 - 2024

Guardian of the Forest

Apu Quinto Inuma was a former lumber trafficker turned park ranger turned rogue Forest Guardian. He became a tireless international advocate for the e...

Sarah Fretwell Peru 2809 2022 - Same

Chile Despertó: People

In 1973, the US helped bring the notorious Pinochet Dictatorship to Chile with the overthrow of democratically elected Salvador Allende. The regime us...

Orin Langelle Chile 1329 2019 - Same

Piatsaw: A document on the Resistance of the Nativ...

This photo-documentary tells the story of the resistance that the indigenous people of the Ecuadorian Amazon have waged against extractive companies t...

Nicola Okin Frioli Ecuador 3005 2016 - 2023

Clowns Without Borders in Guatemala

For several weeks in May 2022 two Mexican clowns, organized by Clowns Without Borders, performed for communities throughout Guatemala, mostly in areas...

John Rudoff Guatemala   1225 2022 - Same

The Longest Way Home

This is a story of deep survival. It is also the story of the beginning of a possible, if difficult, reconciliation. But, most of all, it is the story...

Antonio Denti Vatican City and Canada 1594 2022 - Same

Goodbye Columbus, Hello New York

For the first time in the history of New York City, a parade took place to celebrate Indigenous and Native American people. Every year, dozens of para...

Lisa DuBois United States 2313 2022 - Same

Red Soil: Colonial Legacy in Maasai Land

This is a story that spans generations. About the man in a redshuka, and the woman with a beaded necklace. Indigenous peoples, once mighty, cont...

Rasha Al Jundi Kenya 2224 2021 - 2022

Sustainable Solutions to the Climate Crisis

Shown here are two exhibitions of the photos from the Spring 2022 issue of ZEKE magazine on Sustainable Solutions to the Climate Crisis: 1. Photovi...

Social Documentary Network United States   467 2022 - Same

Querencia: Stewarding Land, Water, Fire, & Communi...

Situated ten miles north of the mountain town of Taos in northern New Mexico are interconnected villages, El Salto and Arroyo Seco. Resilient communit...

Joshua Berman United States   1647 2021 - 2022

First Nations: Portraits of Dancers and Wisdom Kee...

     Indigenous Americans have largely been portrayed in unfavorable stereotypes in the media and their presence has had little vi...

Jeanny Tsai United States   1481 2017 - 2019

Safari Doctors

Safari Doctors is a social enterprise based in Lamu, Kenya. Their team of doctors and nurses sail to remote villages along the coast of Kenya near the...

Jim Koenigsaecker Kenya 431 2021 - Same

Black Snake Killers

Black Snake Killers documents the Anishinaabe-led struggle against the Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline — referred to by activists as the Black Sna...

Chris Trinh United States 2017 2021 - Same

Indigenous Peoples day vs Columbus day

We are at the start of a new age in American history, one in which the past will be examined more closely. Thirteen states do not observe Columbus Day...

Lisa DuBois United States 2353 2020 - 2021

What White People Think

When I lost all of my paid photography work in March 2020 due to the pandemic, I began two social change portrait series related to our frontline work...

Kathleen Dreier United States 979 2020 - 2021

Mexico's Third Root: The Afromestizos

The Afromestizo are Mexicans living on the Pacific coast in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca and the state of Veracruz. They represent what is called...

Enos Ignacio Cozier Mexico 1560 2003 - 2012

How We Pray

Perhaps the only consistent thing about peoples’ prayers is that they are different.  How people express their beliefs is illustrated in...

Ivy Gordon Bhutan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Ti 1254 2007 - 2019

The Price of Gold / El Precio del Oro

This exhibit consists of a selection of pages from an e-book I created together with the artist Mary Kelsey. It exists in English and Spanish versions...

Steve Cagan Colombia 2019 2005 - 2019

Tucson Black Voices

“Ally is a verb.” These words were written on a person’s shirt at a Tucson vigil organized by Black leaders on 06/01/2020, one week...

Kathleen Dreier United States 1810 2020 - 2021

A Society Claims For Change, Unaware It Was Being ...

When the Brazilian elite turned out to the streets of Brazil on March 15th 2015 observers knew that changing in the make-up of the political system wa...

Hamilton William Dos Santos Brazil 1118 2015 - 2016

Honor Native Sovereignty #NoDAPL Water Protectors ...

Viewing the #NoDAPL Movement as isolated without acknowledging historical, cultural, and systematic circumstances makes no sense. We cannot erase nor ...

John Willis United States   1140 2016 - 2017

Indigenous Autonomy in Mexico

This photographic project focuses on two indigenous populations that are working in order to enact social and environmental justice in the face of som...

Scott Brennan Mexico   2681 2012 - 2018

Ecotourism ended the traditional lives of Uganda&#...

In Africa, efforts to protect endangered animals frequently have negatively impacted people living traditional lifestyles. Batwa Pygmies resided for m...

Tony Schwartz Uganda   3665 2017 - Same

The Italian Cowboys of Maremma (I Butteri della Ma...

My photographic work consists of a series of images depicting Italy's cattlemen and horse breeders, otherwise known as I Butteri. The number of&nb...

Gabrielle Saveri Italy   3383 2014 - 2017

Everyday Native

This is the newest chapter of a 12-year project to understand Native Americans on reservations in Montana, South Dakota and Idaho and to help heal rac...

Sue Reynolds United States   3201 2007 - 2017

Hidden Waters / Endangered & Disappearing Springs...

Hidden Waters is the story of disappearing arid and semi-arid desert springs of the North American West. Essential to humankind's survival for mil...

Bremner Benedict United States   2074 2017 - 2023

Portraits of survival from Kinchela Boys Home

From 1924 until 1970, between 400 and 600 Aboriginal boys were forcibly removed from their families and placed in the Kinchela Boys Home (KBH) on the ...

Sarah Barker Australia   3223 2007 - 2016

This is My Country

This Is My Country looks at people standing on the precipice of life: disenfranchised, neglected and now threatened with displacement. It is a permane...

Ingetje Tadros Australia 4193 2010 - 2016

Faces of the 2016 Cruzada Teatral Guantánamo-Bara...

For 26 years, Cruzada Teatral Guantánamo-Baracoa, a troupe of individuals with passions for theatrical performances, has traveled into the remo...

Michael Whitaker Cuba 6724 2016 - Same

Endangered River: Portraits of the Tapajós

The Brazilian government plans to build forty-five hydroelectric dams on the Tapajós River over the next two decades. Those benefiting fro...

Jeanny Tsai Brazil   2103 2015 - 2016

Mapuche: Return to the land

The Mapuche are the indigenous people that inhabit the central-south of Chile in the Araucania region. Recent years have seen a resu...

Judith Brisson Chile 3042 2015 - Same

Peruvian Weavers

High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, lies the rural village of Patacancha. Here the villagers dress in traditional clothing, speak the ancient languag...

Susan Kessler Peru 7038 2014 - Same

The Kingdom of Dust/The People of Clouds

The social ecology of agriculture, the relationship between land, people, food, and the environment -- and how they are changing -- are questions that...

Matt Black Mexico/United States   7050 1998 - 2011

Blackfeet Indian Country, Browning, Montana

While serving as a Volunteer Team Leader with Global Volunteers,, I have had the opportunity to work alongside the local peop...

Cindy Murray United States 10518 2010 - 2013

Mechanized mining threatens the environment and af...

In El Chocó, Colombia, mechanized gold mining threatens the rain forest environment and has had profound effects on the work and the lives ...

Steve Cagan Colombia 4311 2009 - 2013

The Berberes

"The Berberes" is an essay from Rui Pires' long-term project "Lands of Allah", a social documentary about the Berbere tribes i...

Rui Pires Morocco 8256 2009 - 2012

Aguasal, El Chocó, Colombia

Aguasal is the central village in the Embera-Katió indigenous reservation of Alto Andágueda, in the department of El Chocó ...

Steve Cagan Colombia 6713 2012 - Same

Ah Dalibandla - The Sangomas of Mthatha

Sangomas hold an esteemed and powerful position in southern African societies. These traditional healers are the guardians of knowledge and traditiona...

Nathalie Bertrams South Africa 4750 2012 - Same

Darjeeling Tea Estate

At the foothills of the Himalayas, in West Bengal, India, lies the city of Darjeeling. It’s elevation of 6,710 ft. (2,050 m.) above sea level, c...

Susan Kessler India 9332 2012 - Same


With increasing inequality in living standards, the voices of those without are growing in number, clamoring to be heard as the precious resources upo...

Ed Kashi Madagascar 8961 2010 - Same

Women in Zanzibar

Joanna Lipper traveled to Zanzibar in the summer of 2009 to photograph women of diverse religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in both urban and ...

Joanna Lipper Zanzibar 6507 2009 - Same

Mayan Corn Ceremony

In Guatemala’s Mayan village of  Blue Creek, farmers and their wives celebrate a dusk-to-dawn ceremony before planting corn.  Througho...

Todd Shapera Guatemala 12246 2009 - Same

Indigenous Belize

In Southern Belize, Mayan and Garifuna villages bordering the 40,000 acre Sarstoon-Temash National Park, are struggling to survive, and preserve their...

Todd Shapera Belize 6970 2007 - Same

El Chocó, Colombia: Everyday Resistance

El Chocó is a rain forest area, traditionally isolated from and abandoned by the rest of Colombia. Over 80% of the population is Afro-Colombian...

Steve Cagan Colombia 8239 2003 - 2007