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Exhibit Title Photographer Country Home page No. of visits Year(s)

Monumental Change

Confederate statues have been the topic of debate for decades. The conversation reemerged in 2017 during a rally in Charlottesville. The eyes of ...

T. Otey United States   214 2019 - 2023

If They Move Me ... I Die

This project  sheds light on the human impact  that  accompanies processes  of  development  and renovations  in gr...

Mohamed Hozyen Egypt 185 2019 - 2024

Queer, Life, Freedom

Although queer individuals have existed throughout Iran’s history, the Islamic Republic has systematically denied their existence for over four ...

Ashkan Shabani Iran - Turkey - Germany   378 2019 - 2023

Don’t Forget About Me, Aging In America With Sch...

The photo series "Don't Forget About Me, Aging in America with Schizophrenia" offers a glimpse into the life of Alberto, a senior living...

Margo Ramirez United States   342 2023 - 2024

Mothers of the Borderland

This long-form project explores what life is like for young immigrant mothers who crossed the southern border. They left their countries because of vi...

Emily Whitney United States   499 2024 - Same

Hell Drill

I am interested in telling stories about the communities that surround me. By documenting relevant moments in history, I can contribute to a discourse...

lindsay morris United States   340 2022 - Same

The Courageous (Las Valientes)

The purpose of my photo-report is to demonstrate the atrocities and pain that women have suffered during attacks with chemical agents/solvents in Colo...

Marc Bergeron Colombia 1658 2019 - 2024


Within days of October 7, 2023, the families of at least 341 missing Israelis, some kidnapped to Gaza and others whose fates remain unknown, began dem...

Adar Eyal Israel   1523 2023 - 2024

Has Godot Arrived?

   This personal project was undertaken in an attempt to create a relationship with one of Trump's passionate followers and thereby...

Eric Chang United States 1327 2021 - Same

Of Warriors and Machines

On board a nuclear aircraft carrier somewhere in the Mediterranean (2022). A Reflection on Aggression, on the Sea. In Days of Tension. Aggressio...

Antonio Denti Italy 468 2022 - Same

SIGNS of Covid 19

Creativity, compassion, and messaging from new distances take hold in Orlando, Florida, during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. 

Cindy Murray United States 1250 2020 - Same

Somewhere Along the Curve -- Boston During the Pan...

The rapid emergence and spread of Covid-19 has turned life upside down, especially in cities. In Boston, sidewalks quickl became empty; stores we...

Edward Boches United States 1992 2019 - 2020

Our Songs from the Forest

Our Songs from the Forestis a tender solicitation into the hills of Achham, where we meet a chorus of young women coming of age in a fast changing soc...

Uma Bista Nepal   590 2018 - 2019

Am I Next? Gun Violence and our Children

What are we doing to our children?  It is astonishing that we leave them in a position of actually carrying around or pinning on their shirts sig...

Rusty Leffel United States 4019 2018 - Same

Death Shrines of Huron

Death shrines dot this poor, San Joaquin Valley, California farm town. These shrines commemorate murdered gang members, innocent civilians, victims of...

Richard Street United States   8265 2010 - 2018


CURTAIN  SERIES CURTAINS SHROUD OUR INTERNAL LIVES. I have always been interested in telling a story with my photographs, whether literally or...

Ann Chwatsky United Arab Emirates   1851 2016 - 2017

Forgotten War

From its Capital to the small towns devastated by bombing, Ukraine looks more and more like a country left on its own. Kiev tries to move on its road ...

Michele Cirillo Ukraine 3991 2017 - Same

Caras de Cuba-Faces of Cuba

While Cubans have few material possessions, small living quarters, and minimal air conditioning, life and living takes place on the streets; something...

Cindy Murray Cuba 3123 2015 - Same

Alone, Together - Beneath the streets of Boston

Thomas Wolfe, the 20th century writer who warned us that we "can't go home again," wrote at one point in his sadly short existence that ...

B. D. Colen United States 12208 2005 - 2015

White Elephants - Pass by me

White Elephants is personal long going series, made from 2009 to 2012. It has been shown also in the form of slideshow as the story in three chapters....

piotr zbierski India, Ukraine, Moldavia   3635 2010 - 2012

Ghosts - Albinism in Tanzania

Albinism is a genetic condition causing a lack of melanin in the skin, eyes and hair. It is estimated to affect one in 3,000 people in Tanzania - sev...

jackie dewe mathews Tanzania, United Republic of   2079 2008 - Same


Straddling India and Pakistan, the Greater Punjab region covers almost 98,000 square miles. In 1947’s Partition, an arbitrary border splitting P...

Ed Kashi Pakistan 7705 2009 - Same