Prudence fought for her life, tightly clutching her mother’s hand.

Vaughan Brookfield +64220687098 New Zealand


“What I trust most is that nature will always be my ally for imagery

that goes beyond the surface to touch us deeply and lift our spirits.

Sometimes, it even reveals the hidden depths of who we are.”


Vaughan’s passion for stunning natural surroundings helped him decide early on to make the great outdoors, locally and internationally, his working studio. This being a vantage and nexus point that’s honed his skill for photographing nature’s raw beauty, and our connection with it. “I’ve always been conscious that it is such an amazing privilege to share my workspace with nature. An honour that over the years has awakened me to its power and fragility. Qualities that I deeply respect and never take for granted.”


Still waters run deep with this down-to-earth New Zealand based, location and lifestyle photographer. Over the years, his accomplishments include many assignments that have his cinematic images feature in publications, corporations and advertising campaigns all around the globe. With a solid early grounding in publishing and marketing as Photo Editor and Senior Photographer for Australasian publications, Vaughan approaches briefs with clarity and understanding of each client’s needs. His calmness also enables talent of all ages to drop their guard and earn his trust. This, and a unique ability for quietly observed imagery where the ‘beauty’ feels infused with atmospheric drama, makes his work stand out.


An ongoing affinity with nature has also inspired him to open conversations about our relationship with our natural world and the impact we have on it. One such project being The Nameless, an art collaboration where he and lighting/sound expert Tom Lynch ventured deep into the Tasman Glacier at night to capture images projected onto vast ice walls that symbolise the fragility of nature under the burden of climate change. “Whether it’s landscapes, portraits or lifestyle campaigns, I never tire of  taking photographs of the natural world and our participation in it. Not only is it a glorious and ever changing workspace, but this vast playground feeds my creativity and nurtures my soul. To capture its power is my way of giving back.”    

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