Maurizio Di Pietro Italy


Born in Turin (Italy) in 1974, Maurizio graduated in Computer Science from La Sapienza University in Rome in 2001. During his university career, he also trained as a photographer and worked for several years as a stage photographer. After his studies, he had the opportunity to travel and explore documentary photography, collaborating with various NGOs and documenting their missions in Morocco, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, and the West Bank. He then continued his photographic education at WSP Fotography in Rome, where he later taught for few years. In 2016, he began his career as a freelance documentary photographer, focusing on the theme of mental disability. Later, he decided to also photograph a subject dear to his heart: climate change. He did this in Kenya, where he worked for several years, and his work earned him several awards, including the Lucie. In recent years, he has worked on a personal and intimate project concerning the concepts of family and absence. Maurizio prefers to work on social issues and long-term projects and occasionally publishes in national and international magazines. His works have appeared in Der Spiegel, National Geographic, Espresso, Corriere della Sera, FQMillennium, La via Libera, Mind, Open Migration, Altreconomia, Witness Journal, Africa Rivista, SuperAbile.

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Exhibits on Country No. of Visits Year(s)


The Sustainable Development Goal 2 of the United Nations is about creating a world free of hunger by...

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Italy 1327 2022 - Same


Turkana, in northwest Kenya, is the poorest and least developed county in the ASALs (Arid and Semi-A...

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Kenya 2295 2017 - 2021