Capitana: Lead rider of a fraternal organization celebrating the annual festival in Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero reflects the strong tradition of horsemanship associated with cattle ranching

Enos Ignacio Cozier 6786415617 United States


Enos Ignacio Cozier holds a Bachelors degree from Stony Brook University and a Masters degree from Columbia University.  His professional training is in anthropology and he brings his understanding of culture and social organization to his photographic projects.  He started using the camera professionally to document his field research.  He has participated in numerous photographic workshops most notably with Beuford Smith of the Kamoinge Workshop.  He has established a number of darkrooms and printed photographs for musicians in New York.  After moving to Oaxaca Mexico in 2003 he initiated a long-term photographic project with photographers and artists on the Pacific coast.  His photographic interest is the creation and expression of community and his work is focused on culture as it is expressed in everyday activities as well as celebrations, ceremonies and rituals. He has documented local production processes in a series of photos called “Hecho a Mano”.  His approach is to work in collaboration with local photographers and artists and he has worked with the photographer Eduardo Añorve Zapata and the artist Jorge Añorve Zapata and has exhibited his work at the Museo de las Culturas Afromestizas in Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero.

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