Chuck Avery United States

Topics of Focus

Documentary photography, historical documentary, labor, historical interpretation, landscape photography


After a few years working in architecture, I found photography to be a much more challenging and interesting field of pursuit. I then enrolled at the Kansas City Art Institute and graduated with honors, focusing on documentary photography. Walker Evans and Luis Balz were big influences. After graduation, I proceeded to establish a career as a printer/technician/manager in the commercial photo lab arena, while keeping my camerawork alive on the weekends.

In the early 2000's I directed my energies back to my cameras and started a series of projects that connected to my concerns about our cultural and political identity: exurban growth and expansion, free time vacationing and amusement, museums and their role in historical identity/understanding, messaging at historical sites and monuments, the monuments and markers of the 1862 Dakota-US War in Minnesota, and my current project about the public commemoration of labor history in the United States. I want my photography to give pause and raise questions about our understanding of historical truth and memory.

Some of my work has been acquired by the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City and the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis. The Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago has included several of my pieces in its Midwest Photographers Project. I have shown my work in solo and group shows nationally and internationally. In 2010 I was the recipient of a McKnight Fellowship in Photography.

Exhibits on Country No. of Visits Year(s)

Blood on the Streets

For over three years now I've been traveling across the United States to some of the m...

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United States 1455 2021 - 2024