Basanta is over 80 years of age is one of the oldest residents in Shiv Sadan.

Ingetje Tadros +61417093853 Australia


 Ingetje Tadros was born in Holland and now lives in Broome Australia. In her formative years, Ingetje constantly documented life and people around her. Ingetje extended her photographic practice by combining her passion to travel with photography. Leaving Holland to travel globally Ingetje has photographed exhaustively in scores of countries.

She is the recipient of several of photography’s most significant Awards. A short list includes United Nations Award 2014 (AUS), Moscow International Foto Awards 2014, the International Loupe Awards (AUS), Black and White Spider Awards (USA), PX3 Competition (Paris), The Juliet Margaret Cameron Award for Women 2013 (UK) and the International Portrait Awards 2013 (USA).

Currently, Ingetje works as a documentary photographer based in Broome on Australia’s vast, beautiful, wild and unforgiving West coast. She works regularly on assignment for some of the world’s most prestigious online and print magazines. Her clients have included, Australian Geographic, The Australian, The Internationalist, News Corp, Getty Images, Daily Mail and many more.

Tadros, ethos is rooted in social documentary photography and being a storyteller. Her ongoing documentary photography involves interacting closely in other people’s lives; firstly to tell their stories at a community level and then to provide a conduit for communication between different cultures on a global platform.

She occupies a significant place upon the landscape of photography in Australia and internationally. Her creative vision has been the catalyst for authoring several documentary projects as diverse as Mental Health in Bali, leprosy in India to trans-sexuality in Asia and death rituals in Egypt.

Ingetje’s ongoing recent and important work This Is My Country involves documenting the complexities of race and culture of Australia’s indigenous people – the Aboriginals.