Worker at the corn silos.

Andreas Bruhwiler 7062601315 United States

Topics of Focus

People, Landscape, Street

Geographic Areas of Focus

USA, Europe


Andreas Bruhwiler, 1954

Swiss citizen - living in Dalton, GA (USA) since 2003



Business owner

I currently live with my wife in Dalton, Georgia where we formed, in 2003,Alrol of America, Inc.


For over 50 years I have been developing my love for photography and my ownstyle. It is my challenge to surprise the viewer through my work.Hopefully, little by little to train his or her eye to be more sensitive to normal things.

Capturing everyday objects, picturing everyday things that the normal eye often misses, and showing it from a different point of view. This is what my work portrays.

I rarely manipulate the photos digitally.I am sometimes using unusual photosizes while using traditional and new styles of framing and mounting the photographs.I look for unity between the photograph and its presentation.

First exhibit

In 2012 I challenged myself with the project to show off some characteristics of the two 'worlds' in photos. Not as a documentary and even less as a comparison, but with snapshots showing the particularities I see here in the U.S. and the ones I was used to while living in Switzerland.


Dimi, 2022

Lia Rosa, 2018, 2021

Portugal 1990, 2017

Anna and Cory, 2016




one-man show

At Michael's Fine Arts and Framing

Dalton, GA


one-man show

Center for Art & Rehabilitative Energies

Shellman, GA​


exhibition of 10 pieces

Main Gallery of the Creative Arts Guild

Dalton, GA


exhibition of 5 pieces

Arts Festival at the Creative Arts Guild

Dalton, GA


one-man show

Dave&Pauli's Emporium

Dalton, GA


one-man show

Center for Art & Rehabilitative Energies

Shellman, GA

Follow Andreas Bruhwiler

Exhibits on Country No. of Visits Year(s)

Shellman, Georgia - Defying Time

Located in Randolph County, Shellman, GA is a city with a population of 950 - 63% Black or African A...

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United States 2327 2013 - 2019

On every corner, a friend - Alentejo 1990

Alentejo - before the Carnation Revolution, 1974 “On every corner, a friend. In every face,...

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Portugal 775 1990 - Same