Women's March on Washington / Kansas City
Rusty Leffel | Kansas City, MO, United States
Photographer: Rusty Leffel
Exhibit Title: Women's March on Washington / Kansas City
Location: Kansas City, MO, United States
It was amazing to watch people pour in from every direction to the Women's March on Washington in Kansas City and by social media and news reports at Washington, DC and small and large cities across the US and across the world. This exhibit is representative of what I have seen from everywhere else - people of all ages in deep concern for our country, our democracy and our future. Look at the individual signs all created by the people carrying them - beyond being there, the creativity and commitment to create and carry that sign and stand up to power to be counted. In Kansas City the speakers shared their personal stories on so many issues and their determination to join with others to keep moving forward whatever blocks the new White House might erect in their way. Ninety minutes of program and all quiet, solid, serious and respectful readying for the tomorrows that we are now already seeing come in the US and in the Global Community.
I made my own sign which said "Be Vigilant for Human Rights".
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