Fishermen of Gabura island are fixing their boat before going to the sea.

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The hungry tide

Parosh Muhaimin | Bangladesh

Sea level rise is a human-rights issue that risks the homes, livelihoods and lives of millions of people. As global sea level is rising very fast ,many islands and low lying countries are losing their lands. When land goes under water, everything goes with it, houses , possessions, traditions, culture, dreams , shelter and what's not . Families become homeless and climate refugees overnight .Bangladesh is world's highest densely populated low-lying delta country. 26 million of Bangladeshi residents are living near the coast . Most of this people are living out a life of uncertainty of not knowing where they will go when their houses and lands are being eroded by the sea. According to IPCC by 2050 Bangladesh would lose 17% of it's land to rising sea level. For this photo project i traveled across southern coast of Bangladesh and documented places which will no longer exist in coming years , traces of sea level rise and its impact to people living there.

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