Womens_March_CHI_ ©2017Nancy Bechtol, APA photojournalist- on location downtown Chicago more than 250,000 marchers supporting Women and human rights. In opposition to current trends in the Trump Administration Policies.

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Women's March - Chicago "Nasty Women Unite!"

Nancy Bechtol | Illinois, United States

Organization: American Press Association

Dateline, Chicago. 1/21.2017 A.D./C.E. Being on the streets of Chicago with 250,000 active participants was to be in an embrace..unlike any other ...speaking in a unified voice, speaking out on the issues with signs and movements, Indeed.

this is our time.

We the people.

As a lifelong Chicagoan, artist,

and APA photojournalist I documented and engaged.

familiar with many past marches I was compelled do what I could to capture, I also wanted to share history, to share the images.  view, and comment, share,this site., especially if you see yourself or those who express your views.

Spread the word. the power of the people is Powerful.

in Peace through Justice,

Nancy Bechtol

All the 250,000 thousand Women joined by supporters, men and children of every type and culture.

Ongoing support of the American Press Association, Freedom of the Press!

As a photojournalist, a Chicagoan and artist, I have covered a number of marches, over the last 13 years. The street scence dynamics of the people in union over life, liberty and the pursuit of happinesses is the most incredible experience. being there, being witness, then sharing it through my vision in photos is intensely important.

Nancy Bechtol


If you would like to inquire about these photos, or to request commercial or professional use in digital or print, feel free to contact me. Thanks for your interest.

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