Wife to a disappeared individual (Firoz Khan), A single mother fights against financial crisis and mental trauma to ensure basic education for her child, living in a congested, dark room. Firoz Khan was abducted in 2012. The photograph was taken in Pirojpur, on September 15, 2022.
Memories of Disappearance
Mosfiqur Rahman Johan | Bangladesh
Photographer: Mosfiqur Rahman Johan
Exhibit Title: Memories of Disappearance
Location: Bangladesh
Memories of Disappearanceexplores enforced disappearances in Bangladesh since 2012, contextualizing them within state violence, political control, and the trauma of erasure. Between 2009 and 2022, over 3,000 activists, journalists, students, and dissidents were forcibly disappeared by state security forces, notably the Police and Rapid Action Battalion. Recent political upheavals have amplified these issues, with survivors emerging to recount harrowing experiences of torture and secret detention, revealing the systemic nature of this repression.
Enforced disappearances leave deep psychological, social, and political scars. Survivors describe isolation and dehumanization, while families, especially women and children, endure agonizing uncertainty. Through silent acts of resistance, such as ritualized gestures, they challenge state narratives, asserting the memory of the disappeared.
Globally, enforced disappearances have been tools of authoritarian regimes, from Argentina to Kashmir. In Bangladesh, they neutralize opposition and instill fear, stifling resistance. This project examines the gendered dimensions of trauma and the subtle, everyday resistance of families. By Documenting these stories contributes to discussions on state violence, human rights, and memory politics, highlighting photography’s role in preserving narratives and seeking justice for the disappeared.
Mosfiqur Rahman Johan is an anthropologist and documentary photographer, born in Bangladesh in 1997. He is passionate about documenting humanitarian issues, environmental concerns, and socio-political events.
In 2019, Johan enrolled at Brac University to study anthropology to deepen his understanding of the complex issues he documents. There, he honed his skills in ethnography and research-based documentary techniques, which have helped him to capture better the nuances and complexities of the cultures and societies he photographs.
Johan's artistic approach merges with long-term immersion, where he actively engages as a participant observer, close contact with the subjects and systematic repetition eschews non-facile interpretations to convey layered, sensitive, and sometimes contradictory observations on complex issues such as enforced disappearance, death penalty, forceful displacement and police brutality. By exploring the memories of interlocutors, he explores the themes of resistance and resilience–overlooked, yet so important shaping the narrative of the larger socio-political context. Through narrative-driven documentation, he aims to portray the complexities of social dynamics and cultural identities, challenging perceptions and old discourse of state violence, securitization, gender subjectivity, and policing.
Johan's works have been awarded, exhibited, and featured in different international media and platforms worldwide.
Mosfiqur Rahman Johan
Documentary Photographer & Anthropologist
Based on Bangladesh
Whatsapp: +8801684903111
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mosfiqur
Email : johan.mosfiqur07@gmail.com
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