TIme Square: 10:36 a.m.

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Beyond Ground Zero: NYC on 11 September 2001

Michael Whitaker | New York, United States

As a former resident of Manhattan I have great affection for New York City and its aggregate culture. Thus, upon learning of the attack on the World Trade Center while visiting NYC on 11 September 2001, I decided to embark upon a journey which began at West 52nd Street and Broadway, and terminated approximately eight blocks from Ground Zero. My goal was to photograph the responses of New Yorkers to this tragedy. These images provide an overview of the predominant calm resolve and extraordinary sense of community I witnessed.

After a twenty-five-year career in social psychology documenting some of the most disturbing human behaviors, I studied photography and pursued a second career in fine art and documentary photography toward the goal of spending the next twenty-five years documenting brighter aspects of the nature of being human.  In direct contrast to developing treatment paradigms for confronting violent juvenile behaviors, I particuarly am interested in projects spotlighting unpretentious persons with gentle spirits and other persons who traditionally go unnoticed

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