La Madrague de Montredon in lockdown, March 2020.

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Pandemic in Focus

Edge of Marseille in Lockdown

Marta Rosenquist | France

The Montredon neighborhood sits at the southern edge of the Marseille coastline. It is a former industrial neighborhood, once surrounded by such industries as lead mining, spinning mills, and glassworks. The Legré-Mante Factory, specialized in tartaric acid, was the last to close, in 2009. The neighborhood is nestled against the coastal hillside, which is now part of the National Parc des Calanques.

    On March 16th it was announced that the following day all non-essential businesses would be closed, and that each outing would require filling out an attestation. Since that date, the main road, usually bustling, has almost no traffic. At the same time, the Legré-Mante Factory has strangely become more visible at the center of the neighborhood. Almost as though the surrounding neighborhood’s shutdown has blurred the division that usually separates it from the quiet, empty factory. We observe the industrial buildings and other activities around the main road and coastline, modified due to lockdown. As the restrictions are eased, activity gradually returns to the area.

While preparing a PhD in Arts plastiques et Sciences de l'art at Aix-Marseille University, directed by Sylvie Coëllier  and completed in December 2015, Marta Rosenquist focused on themes including perspectives on former industrial sites (in the context of her doctoral research), pictorial studies of  urban seaside environments,  and interpretations of crepuscular Mediterranean light. Originally from California, she lives and works in Paris and Marseille.

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