Mark Phillips | UK, USA, France, Italy and Switzerland
Organization: unbroken.solutions
Photographer: Mark Phillips
Organization: unbroken.solutions
Exhibit Title: Asymmetries
Location: UK, USA, France, Italy and Switzerland
The wider impact of climate change is felt asymmetrically across the planet. Some regions are experiencing more extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires, while others are experiencing more intense precipitation and flooding.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapour (‘greenhouse gases’) trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The asymmetrical molecular structures of these gases allow them to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation. This absorption makes these gases much more effective at trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere for longer, contributing to global warming, one aspect of climate change.
A large portion of the policy action needed to mitigate emissions will accrue to future generations, whereas the cost incurred must be much sooner (now), a time asymmetry.
Echoing the dystopia of climate crisis, ‘Asymmetries’ depicts our world, using a camera modified to capture both visible and infra-red light.Creating images that are ‘somehow, not quite right’.
Mark is aphotographer based near London, UK.His photography is largely focussed on ‘constructive’stories about people and groups taking action to address societalproblems; emphasis being on the environment and sustainability. Current projects focus on the importance of repair and reuse as a response to waste and to creating a more sustainable future.
He originally studied engineering,has a PhD researching innovation and social ecosystems, developing multi-perspective approaches to understanding emerging andcomplex systems. That research now informs his photography projects. His work has been published online and in print in various major newspapers and magazines and at exhibitions in UK, Europe and USA.
Mark is aFellowof the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS). He is currently Chair of the Documentary group ofthe Royal Photographic Society.
Mark A Phillips
e: mark.a.philips@btinternet.com
e: mark@unbroken.solutions
m: +44(0) 7792134007
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