Cathy Weiss, Hungarian Holocaust Survivor
Los Angeles, California 2008

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One Person Crying: Women and War

Marissa Roth | WorldWide

A 31-year personal global photo essay addressing the immediate and lingering effects of war on women. The photographer’s journey took her from Novi Sad, Yugoslavia in 1984, to its conclusion in New York in 2015, covering twelve conflicts, and stories of survival, heartbreak, and resilience .

“This project brought me face to face with hundreds of women who endured and survived war and its ancillary experiences of loss, pain and unimaginable hardship. ”


The exhibition was curated by Howard Spector, Los Angeles, CA

When humanity is betrayed by madness, war often follows. This project has been about my reconciliation of man’s need for war and the inadvertent upheaval imposed on the women who are directly affected by it. The slow-burning post-war truth that I have learned, is that in the end, war shows up men’s weaknesses and women’s strengths. Natural caretakers, women pick up the pieces, turning broken lives into replanted gardens.The bridge of anguish is crossed innumerable times from both sides, yet the perspective is always different because of gender roles, cultures and historical context.
Death doesn’t chose sides, but choosing life after war is quite another matter. A number of the women I have met around the world gained impossible strength from their heartache and losses and turned their gaze towards activism, advocating for social justice, peace and teaching tolerance. Their process was not always immediate or easy but came to them slowly as they faced post-war hardship, and healed physical and psychological wounds.
The women who I have chosen to feature here include activists and the unknown, reflecting the spectrum of women who embody ferocious spirits and quiet strength. Each in their own way chose life and made an indelible impression on me.

Marissa Roth's ONE PERSON CRYING: Women and War

Traveling Exhibtion represented by photokunst


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