“It is often said that if you educate a woman you educate a nation. Women in the Congo are incredibly resilient, inspiring me each day with their earnest desire to live beyond survival. They have the will and the courage to turn things around for themselves and their families. My intention is to support them with tools and resources to keep growing their aspirations and hopes for a better tomorrow. It is the least I can do.” - Abraham Leno, Country Representative, Asili of the American Refugee Committee
- Abraham Leno, Country Representative, Asili of the American Refugee Committee
Women of the Congo: Farmers, Harvesters, Mothers
Photographer: Maranie Staab
Exhibit Title: Women of the Congo: Farmers, Harvesters, Mothers
Location: Congo
Women are the backbone of Congo (DRC), examples of strength and resilience. One of the best examples of this resilience can be seen in the fields of the Eastern DRC. It was here that I met women harvesters, farmers and those who spent their days digging trenches for clean water pipelines. I spent several weeks in country, working with the American Refugee Committee, and left profoundly affected by much of what I had the privilege to experience, but little has stuck with me more than the strength and grace of Congolese women.
In a country where women do the majority of the harvesting, the cooking, and cleaning ... though they raise the children, walk miles each day to fetch water and are responsible for ensuring that the family survives, women are still viewed as the inferior sex, as less than their male counterparts, expected to be submissive. In spite of these societal “norms”, what I witnessed were women quietly, and not so quietly, working for change for themselves, the future of their children and for their country.
The American Refugee Committee
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