a washerman at Dhobi Ghat in Varanasi.

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Touch the Untouchables: Professions of the Impure

Malgorzata Wakuluk | India

Untouchables, or Dalits, represent the lowest social caste in India, often performing so-called "unclean" professions such as butchers, cremation workers, toilet cleaners, cobblers, and washermen. Historically, they faced severe discrimination; they lived in segregated areas, were prohibited from entering temples, schools, and using wells of higher caste members. Touching a Dalit or coming under their shadow was considered impure, requiring a ritual cleanse.

Although India’s 1950 Constitution outlawed caste-based discrimination, Dalits still experience social and economic inequality. Currently, Dalits make up 16-17% of India's population, or roughly 220-250 million people.

For several years, I have observed their daily lives, mostly on the streets of Indian cities, where they beg or work on cremation pyres. Their labor sustains their families and provides for their children's education. Despite advancements, caste-based inequality remains deeply rooted in Indian society.

As a documentary photographer, my primary goal is to capture the truth of people who are often marginalized and excluded from mainstream society. I photograph those whose voices are most frequently ignored, striving to bring their stories, emotions, and daily lives into focus.

For me, photography is not just a technique, but a way of building a deeper relationship with my subjects. Before taking any photograph, I always aim to establish trust and a bond with the person I am photographing. I believe that only then can I capture their true essence, in full honesty and intimacy. My photographs are not just images – they are stories about people, their everyday lives, dreams, pain, and hopes. I try to see the world through their eyes, honoring their dignity and history.

My sensitivity to the human condition, especially towards those vulnerable to inhumane legal systems, led me to tell the true story of the Dalits. Through my photography, I wish to offer them my attention and restore their rightful identity and dignity, making them heroes, rather than anonymous figures. In my work, I seek closeness – both physically and emotionally. I want my images to be full of warmth, empathy, and respect for others. I believe that only by getting closer to others can we understand their true nature. My photographs are my invitation to their world.


Email: malgorzatawakuluk@gmail.com


+48 509 718 015

+34 631 105 070






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