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Shared First Place Winner: ZEKE Award


Kristen Emack | MA, United States

My daughter and my niece's involvement in each other's lives is both gravitational and expected. We all grow up. The girls have each other to navigate this tender process, and I admire their innocent, confident relationships to themselves, their world and one another. Between them is an intimate and spiritual knowledge that is both ordinary and extraordinary, and I'm indebted to them for letting me capture the brilliance of their communion and kinship. As they have matured, they have begun to understand that the lives of Black girls are not well documented, and agree that one added intention of this series is to bring forward that perspective. My hope is that when they look back on this work, they will see the beauty of their childhood together, and when they look for everyday representations of themselves in the world, they will find themselves here, in this work we made together, reflected with love.




Kristen Emack is a photographer and public school educator who lives and works in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She holds a degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She is primarily a self-taught photographer.


In 2019 Kristen won 2nd place in the CAA National Prize Show, and became a Mass Cultural Council Photography Fellow. She is a CRITICAL MASS Top 50 Winner, a Michael Reichmann Project Grant recipient, a PDN Emerging 30 nominee and will have images from her Cousins Series on The Fence this Spring. Her interview in Vogue Italia was published in February, and just won 2nd place series in Lensculture Portraits.


Kristen's work includes two ongoing projects that look at childhood, family and visibility, and a finished series that looks at loss.


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