The Prison Within
Katherin Hervey | United States
Organization: Raw Love Productions
Photographer: Katherin Hervey
Organization: Raw Love Productions
Exhibit Title: The Prison Within
Location: United States
These photographs were taken inside San Quentin Prison during the filming of "The Prison Within" Documentary; contrasting the healing and community created by the men inside, with the cruelty and isolation of mass incarceration.
Prisons represent the darkest parts of ourselves, where we lock away that which is most difficult to confront—the poor, the addicted, the other, anybody or anything that slightly threatens our sense of safety.
Using trauma-informed restorative justice models based in accountability and compassion, the men pictured here - Sam J., Eddie, H., Michael N., Nate C. & Barry S. - are showing us another way. Their courage and commitment to healing and forgiveness reveal how every one of us, on both sides of the wall, can break out of our own personal prisons.
Raw Love Productions
Katherin Hervey
Massimo Bardetti
My work is informed by 15 years in criminal justice and prison reform, where I’ve worked as a filmmaker, restorative justice advocate, prison college instructor, and trial attorney for the Los Angeles Public Defender. I'm interested in what is hiding in the dark crevices and corners of the American landscape and our collective psyches, believing truth is often found in the dark before it shines in the light.
Katherin Hervey
Insight Prison Project
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