Swati Mam
Meet Mrs.Swati, she is a History teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan, currently posted in K.V Hinoo Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Though she is completely blind yet we the students never felt the same. She is a genius woman and her achievements are as diverse as she herself is!
She has been challenged, stereotyped, underestimated but she strongly stood against all odds and faced adverse situations boldly. That her affection for imparting education to students can’t hold her back. She proved herself every time, she is a perfect epitome of deep knowledge.
A Not So Ordinary Teacher
Photographer: Ishan Banerjee
Exhibit Title: A Not So Ordinary Teacher
Location: India
Meet Mrs.Swati, she is a History teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan, currently posted in K.V Hinoo Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
Though she is completely blind yet we the students never felt the same. She is a genius woman and her achievements are as diverse as she herself is!
She has been challenged, stereotyped, underestimated but she strongly stood against all odds and faced adverse situations boldly. That her affection for imparting education to students can’t hold her back. She proved herself everytime, she is a perfect epitome of deep knowledge.
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