First Stage
Loss of hair is a tell-tale sign of some physical disorder. Chemotherapy often results in hair loss, which to some is the first step in losing one's privacy along a personal cancer journey. Kojak started a trend that normalized a baldhead. For women, it can be harder to forgo appearances, some use a wig to cover hair loss from chemotherapy.

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A Journey with Others

Gioia Kuss | VERMONT, United States

About 1 in 8 U.S. women (~ 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer. In 2020, projections estimate 276,480 new cases.

This project began as an offer to memorialize a friend’s breasts before a radical mastectomy to confront Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This morphed into documentation of Mary’s journey.

To some, breasts define the female identity.

A mastectomy, as a proactive surgery to reduce risk of breast cancer, in reaction to a cancerous presence or for gender dysphoria, is wrought with soul searching, doubts, and societal inflicted trauma.

The journey—after a diagnosis of cancer—reveals facets of society, medicine, politics and yes—self-discovery.

Cancer reaches every home. Like any disease, received from genes or environmental exposure, it is a journey we all endure.

We gain from each other. During the onslaught of Covid-19, people receiving treatment for cancer goes on. Ironically social distancing, required during the pandemic, runs counter to some of the deepest reservoirs of resilience I witnessed.

The fellowship found in waiting rooms to chemo drip stations, regardless of background, strengthened my belief in humanity.

Share love, not stigma.

Whether Gioia Kuss works in local or international venues, her projects focus on collaborative efforts to protect earth’s communities. She seeks to elevate discussions about how the survival of species depends on protection of natural resources. Her narratives seek to harmonize support for human dignity, with a celebration of the planet’s sanctity. She explores nature’s power and compassion towards and from people in her imagery.

Gioia was a member of the 2018-19 VII Photo Agency Masterclass. She attended residencies with Marble House Project, Vermont Studio Center, and Ninth Wave Global.

Gioia was awarded first place in the Editorial Environment category in the October 2019 IPA Lucie awards, and was awarded first place winner in the People category and honorable mention in both the Landscape and Nature categories for the 13th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards. Group exhibitions include the Los Angeles Center for Photography—February 2020, Griffin Museum of Photography (MA USA), Boston—Dec-March 2020, Loosen Art Millepiani Gallery Environment Documenta in Rome IT April 2019, Four Freedoms Park in NYC cosponsored by UPI—July 2018, ASMP—New England Show in Cape Cod__April 2018.

Gioia Kuss, photographer, installation artist, and land-use planner, lives in Weybridge Vermont, USA. Her academic background combines art and science, with a BA from Middlebury College in Northern Environmental Studies and a Studio Art minor, and a MA from the Conway School of Landscape Design. She studied independently in Paris France and in Guang Zhou China. She was an adjunct faculty in the Green Mountain College Art Department.

Radical:  The Science, Culture, and History of Breast Cancer in America; Kate Pickert: 2019

Gioia Kuss          

60 Oxbow Lane Weybridge, VT 05753        

+1(802) 545-2051 Home

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