Just chillin' at Rebuild Center

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Rebuild Center, New Orleans, LA

Frank Coco | Louisiana, United States

The Rebuild Center in New Orleans is a place where homeless people and transients can obtain services that are often difficult for them to obtain. Some of these services are a mailing address, medical assistance, prescription drug assistance, and counseling. A free hot lunch is served Monday through Friday. Showers and lavatories are available for personal hygiene. It relies on a paid staff and volunteers to provide these services.

I approached the the director of the center four years ago to ask if she thought the guests would appreciate a picture of themselves. She eagerly endorsed the idea, and I began the project. My thinking was that many of the guests had not had a photo of themselves in a long time and that they would welcome the opportunity to receive one. 

I approach the guests quietly and offer the service. Often they seek me out when they know I'm at the center. I provide them with a free 4 x 6 print.

The attached photos are some of the results of this project.

Frank Coco


Tel: 318-305-8872

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