Palliative cures of Ukrainian soldiers
Federico Quintana | Ukraine
Photographer: Federico Quintana
Exhibit Title: Palliative cures of Ukrainian soldiers
Location: Ukraine
This photographic project aims to become a long-term exploration to illuminate the overlooked realities faced by those living with irreversible injuries and their loved ones. Through poignant images, the series confronts viewers with the devastating human cost of war, prompting reflection on its far-reaching consequences.
The escalating Russian aggression and the deployment of almost 200,000 soldiers and heavy artillery surrounding and threatening the invasion of Ukraine had my complete attention since February 2022. Though my instincts warned me that the inevitable was going to happen, I struggled to accept this based on the history of events. I remain committed to documenting the tragic consequences of this war.
Federico Quintana
Strada Nuova per Opicina 1
Trieste, Italia 34151
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