Antifascist demonstration - March 1 2025

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¡No pasarán! - An Antifascist Demonstration

Catia Montagna | Italy

On March 1st 2025, 5000 people gathered in Parma in an antifascist march against an event organised in the city by a neo-fascist organisation with a history of violence.

A coalition of antifascist associations, political parties and worker unions called for citizens to demonstrate against the resurgence of the extreme right. The city mayor and representatives of the antifascist ANPI (National Association of Italian Partisans) reaffirmed the city’s long tradition of antifascism and the need to defend the values at the basis of the Italian Constitution.

The Italian Constitution, adopted in 1948, reflects the determination to ensure that the horrors of fascism would never again overshadow the future of Italy and prohibits the reorganisation, in any form, of the fascist party.  

In the city of Parma barricades halted the advance of fascism in 1922 and the city was awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valour in 1947 for its contribution to the Resistance.

Palpable was the heartfelt concern for the spread of forces that in Italy and across the globe threaten democracy – but so was also the hope that a collective stand could make a difference.




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