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Anti-Fascist Demonstration In Glasgow

Cameron Scott | United Kingdom

On 29th July a mass stabbing took place in Southport, England, which saw three children killed and ten others injured. The next day, following misinformation on social media in relation to the attacker’s immigration status, protestors from the political far-right clashed with police in Southport. This rioting quickly spread to other towns and cities, mainly in England but also isolated cases occurred in Wales and more so in Northern Ireland. This rioting lasted for a few days and was widely reported in the media as being UK wide, but this was factually incorrect as there had been none in Scotland. Indeed, Police Scotland regularly issued updates to suggest that there was no intelligence to suggest that any such far-right protests were planned or likely to take place.

The weekend immediately following the riots saw a relatively small anti fascist demonstration take place in George Square, Glasgow. Around one thousand people took part in a peaceful rally, briefly interrupted by the arrival of two members of the far right who were quickly moved by the Police. The images contained herein are a documentary record of that event.

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