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#NotMyPresident - Women's March, New York, NY. 21 January, 2017.

B. D. Colen | New York, NY., United States

#Dump Trump #NotMyPresident - On January 21, 2017, well over one million persons gathered in cities across the United States and around the world to protest the assumption of the Presidency of the United States by reality television star Donald Trump. Billed as a "Women's March," the events drew women, men, and children to protest Trump's inauguration the previous day. The New York City event, expected to draw about 70,000 participants, filled the east side of Manhattan with an estimated 400,000 peaceful protestors.

On January 21, 2017, well over one million persons gathered in cities across the United States and around the world to protest the assumption of the Presidency of the United States by reality television star Donald Trump. Billed as a "Women's March," the events drew women, men, and children to protest Trump's inauguration the previous day. The New York City event, epected to draw about 70,000 participants, filled the east side of Manhattan with an estimated 400,000 peaceful protestors.

Over my 53 years as a photographer, and my 27 years as a reporter, I have covered literally hundreds of demonstrations, large and small, beginning with the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, on August 28, 1963 - five days after I turned 17. What made the demonstrations of January 21, 2017 unique, in addition to their size and number, was the fact that the object of the marcher's wrath not only had been in office as President of the United States for only 24 hours, but also that he attacked the marchers on social media, and he denied - he lied about, the size of the demonstrations.

It is too soon to know the long term impact of the demonstration you see in these photographs, and the countless others around the US and the globe. But we will soon know if this is the beginning of a major new social and political movement, and we will eventually know if such a movement is able to ultimately force from office a narcissistic reality TV figure who assumed the Presidency while suffering the largest popular vote defeat of anyone in the history of the United States who managed to win the electoral college vote and thus become President.

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