Name: Lynn
Date: 10.27.13
Thank you for sharing the deep love that you experienced. With love, there is loss. She was beautiful and the love and care you had for her was beautiful. She was so couragous.......I am so sorry for your deep loss. Your work was so honoring to your wife......and is helping others and allowing others to grow in how they love and how they care..... May God bless you..........
Name: Peter Cohen
Date: 04.11.12
Your imagery was both haunting and revealing. Although I am also a photographer, documenting my mothers battle was the furthest thing from my mind. She was diagnosed in April and gone in October. It epitomized the cycle of life for me. You are born the child...become the adult...and leave the planet as the child once again. May you be blessed with all that you continue to seek in life....until the beginning once again.
Name: Sonia
Date: 04.11.12
These pics are touching.....there is SO MUCH LOVE there! Thanks for sharing with us all! <3
Name: suebird
Date: 04.11.12
Although I do not know you.....I did find you and follow you on FB. There are no rightful words to describe how I feel as I crept in your lives through a door left open. Breath taking and taking and taking is how I felt and feel and still marinate in this experience. Im gratefully to have crossed your path, for I shall never be the same. I will laugh a little different....Love alot more, and cry a little harder. Im truly in awe of the way you see life and the pictures you took and the LOVE that showers over me. It has been my absolute pleasure to be here and to have found you both. Thank you for two and the people in your life and far and few in between~ ALL MY BEST~ suebird
Name: Susan Wood
Date: 04.08.12
Thank you for sharing your private lives with us. I am also a photographer and have never been touched by photos UNTIL I saw yours. You two are inspirational and have changed my life in many ways. She was a very strong lady and you are a strong man. You two deciding to share these photos will save many lives in the future because women will go get checked. These photos bring emotions to my heart and mind that I have never felt. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. An Akron area resident - Susan
Name: Edwynna
Date: 04.03.12
Thank you for sharing your love story. My dad courageously faced leiomyosarcoma in 2010 but sadly lost his battle also. My sister is a 2 yr. survivor of breast cancer and we count every day. I am sorry for your loss and cannot begin to understand your pain but I am very thankful for the opportunity to share with someone else the struggles of world of cancer. There is no map to show the way.
Name: michele
Date: 02.04.12
my condolences to you. i know that is very little with all you have lost. your photos are powerful and beautiful and thought provoking. amazing work!
Name: Leslie
Date: 01.11.12
I was blessed enough to follow your story on Facebook. I'm sorry for the loss of your wife, though sorry's and sympathy will not erase the pain you feel. You're an extraordinary individual and your wife was filled with much love and grace, that much is evident. Your work has moved me to tears many times. It makes you want to stand up and make a difference. Even if those differences are small ones. Such a personal and beautiful gift the two of you have given the world.
Name: Tjarnar
Date: 01.04.12
You've done the world a service by sharing your journey so vividly. I blogged through my own b/c treatment, so I think it's very helpful - although scary - to witness the journey of another. I know it's difficult-to-impossible to document your own journey as you go through it all - especially if you're trying to work or continue any semblance of normality amid that insanity.
I can find no words to equal those images.... but... thank you.
Thank you both.
Name: Kathy
Date: 01.01.12
I can't look at any of these pictures without feeling complete love and admiration for the two of you. I am over come with emotion. Thank you so much for opening my eyes to this horrific disease. Cancer does NOT discriminate and you and Jen have inspired me to get checked 34 yrs old. I am still sad Jen has lost her battle, but know she has helped a ton of woman, like me. She was a true inspiration and I'm so sorry I wasn't lucky enough to know her or thank her personally. Love you Ange! Stay strong and know Jen loves you very much and is looking over you keeping you safe. <3
Name: Peter Mortensen
Date: 01.01.12
Some of the strongest and most personal photos I have ever seen. They are very important and I think they should be seen by everybody. I truly hope and wish the very best for you both and your families.
Name: Roberta
Date: 12.27.11
You are very brave and your photos are important and special. I hope many people will see them and come to understanc your challenge and your courage. Best of luck in 2012
Name: stan s
Date: 12.27.11
I agree with the above comments entirely. Thank You.
Name: Susan
Date: 12.19.11
I think of you all the time - your love and support of each other is inspirational...wish you didn't have to go through this but you truly have made a difference and touched so many people. XO
Name: Laura
Date: 12.16.11
beautiful .. that's all I can say .. beautiful ~~ this has truly touched my heart as my own parents are as you ~~ dad faithfully by mom's side for many years throughout illness and pain, hospitalizations, deminished health, she, too, had double mastectomy when I was a pre-teen and I remember vaguely her reactions .. love, faith and commitment .. they have been married 50 years this past October <3
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