Ricardo Teles is a freelance photographer, born in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. He has been working in Sao Paulo since 1994 as a photojournalist, who contributed to the Estado de Sao Paulo Group, agency and newspapers, from 1996 to 2000.
Nowadays, as a freelance, his work has been published in several national and international magazines, such as Der Spiegel (Germany) and National Geographic Brazil.
The photographer is a member of the Focus agency, Germany, for which he has covered several stories in Latin America.
Published books: “Saga–A Portrait of German Settlements in Brazil” (1998), which received the Martius Staden Award and the “Terras de Preto – stories of nine rural afro communities in Brazil” (2004), that received the Ayrton Senna Human Rights Prize of Journalism.
In 2014, the project “Road of Grains” received the Sony Award in the Travel category and 2015, the POY LATAM (Picture of the year Latin America), the 3rd prize in the Foods of the World category.