PORTRAIT OF SOCIETY: Society is changing rapidly, often before our eyes, sometimes live on social networks. Witnessing these changes, showing them, commenting on them and informing our fellow citizens are increasingly perilous privileges that come with great responsibilities. Knowing how to sort things out and expose the true facts while remaining neutral and objective are qualities that are likely to become increasingly precious and sought after in these times of technological manipulation and artificial intelligence. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Photographs that bear witness to truths are of inestimable value.

Michel Groleau

info@michelgroleau.com 4185805254 Canada

Topics of Focus

Society,environment,climate change, politics,opinions,culture,science and technology

Geographic Areas of Focus

Everywhere in the world and beyond



Starting his career as a journalist and then as a health professional, Michel Groleau eventually turned to photography, travelling the six continents to observe and immortalize the beauty and fragility of our planet. His photos have won multiple international awards and showcased at exhibitions in twelve different countries. They aim to touch people and push them to think over, especially about the evolution and challenges of society. Michel hopes showing the beauty of our planet may contribute to save it.

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