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The Price of Gold / El Precio del Oro

Steve Cagan | El Chocó, Colombia

This exhibit consists of a selection of pages from an e-book I created together with the artist Mary Kelsey. It exists in English and Spanish versions; except for the “covers,” thesw selections are from the English-language version.

The Price of Gold is a product of years of observation and inquiry around problems caused by modern mechanized gold mining in a Pacific rain forest area of Colombia, El Chocó, where environmental degradation and cultural upheaval have been the results.

The book includes 96 pages containing many color photographs (mine) and black-and-white drawings (Mary’s), with texts based on our conversations with community leaders and grassroots activists. It includes three essays by community activists about their struggles and the situation. It includes descriptions of the rainforest and riverine environment, traditional communities, the population of El Chocó, traditional artisanal mining, the beginnings of machine practices, contemporary mechanized mining, the environmental and soical damage being done by machines, and community resistance.

A physical book (Spanish only) is being produced in Colombia and will be available there in December, 2020.


The book is available now from our website for most e-book readers, and from Amazon Kindle for their current devices and the free Kindle apps. It can be downloaded for just $3 USD using these links:

To get The Price of Gold:

Our website:               https://www.elchocomining.net/ebooks

Amazon/Kindle:          https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B1VSYKK

Para conseguir El Precio del Oro:

Nuestra página:          https://www.elchocomining.net/ebooks

Amazon/Kindle:          https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B3XQHDN

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