Far away, the mountains of Uganda where Turkana, Tepeth and Dodoth tribes fight for water points and grass.

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Turkana warriors

Gwenn Dubourthoumieu | Turkana, Kenya

Organization: Small Arms Survey

 The drought which is ravaging the arid and semi-arid areas of the Horn of Africa has imposed a great deal of pressure on the already scarce resources in the region, and exacerbated the persistent conflicts between the opposing pastoral tribes in the northern Kenya, the south of the Republic of South-Sudan, eastern Uganda and southern Ethiopia. Squeezed one towards the other on increasingly pressurized pastures, the tribes, traditional enemies, multiply attacks to expand their herds and take control of the limited water sources. Every herd boy owns a rifle, even those as young as ten.

 I had the opportunity to live in Kenya during 8 months in 2004 and 2005, where I kept numerous contacts, and since then I travelled several times in Ethiopia and South-Sudan. In July, 2011, at the height of the drought, which again struck the Horn of Africa and East-Africa, I made, for a Swiss organization named " Small Arms Survey ", this photo essay on the proliferation of weapons in the nomadic tribes of the Turkana, in the northwest of Kenya, a work which has been exhibited at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva.

 Gwenn Dubourthoumieu

website : www.gwenn.fr
tel (France) : +33 6 44 14 25 46
e-mail : gwenn_d@hotmail.com

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